Gravitating Waves in My Mind

Pinnacles of Universe Creativity

Powerful tool of the human ingenuity
Also fed by imagination, it is creativity
Artists and scientists flowing processes
Insight, curiosity, synthesis, observation
Curiosity, observation, insight, synthesis

Un-obvious things together proposing putting
New sights on mesmerising things, defying
Putting together things that has to be together
Even if obvious they might be, I mean
The only way mesmerising things can be seen

The most valuable, extraordinary lesson, maybe
We should get from this marvelous discovery
The ultimate mesmerising wonderful things
Are of the universe, himself, creativity


Horácio Tomé-Marques
Friday, the 12th February 2016
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The oscillations of trust!

“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

{this is not a post} One day I and two friends exchanged a conversation where we discussed the “probability” that we, humans, are a kind of immortal souls that can return to physicality and, as such, our age could be different from the bodies that host us. So, some could be “old” souls that are already around for sometime.

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Brain: the ultimate enactive interface?

{a posteriori: Brain: the ultimate enactive interface?}  Eshofuni@TheAbyss is a multidisciplinary project/performance embracing art, communication design and programming, that proposes an approach towards real-time representation of brain phenomena in performative art contexts using brain-computer interface. The Abyss is an ecologic system inhabited by entities and constituents with graphic and sonic forms — inspired by creatures that form the plankton phenomenon (e.g., zoids) — that interact between themselves and with Eshofuni qua performer ́s avatar. (…)

A paper* and a performance presented @ INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014

Horácio Tomé-Marques, Tiago Ângelo, João Menezes
and Bruce Pennycook and Miguel Carvalhais

*ISBN: 978-989-746-060-9

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Eshofuni – from the unseen to the s[cr]een!

{a priori: Eshō-funi} is a japanese Buddhist term: esho is a compound of shoho, meaning life or a living being, and eho, its environment. Funi, meaning “not two,” indicates oneness or non-duality. It is short for nini-funi, which means “two (in phenomena) but not two (in essence).” Ho of shoho and eho means reward or effect. At the most fundamental level of life itself, there is no separation between ourselves and the environment.

From the unseen to the s[cr]een EshoFuni, an approach towards real-time representation of brain data

Horácio Tomé-Marques, João Meneses, Bruce Pennycook and Miguel Carvalhais

ISBN: 978-989-746-036-4

Abstract. In this paper we propose(d) an approach towards real-time representation of brain (…)
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Deus ex machina ou ex digito?


{isto não é um post} O conceito da vida como radicado na abstracção das equações, dos algoritmos, da matemática não só como meio de explicação, mas como de veiculação, e mesmo de essência única, é um pensamento milenar, recorrente, persistente, que até já propôs que o universo, antes do big-bang, poderia ser não matéria, mas uma equação—o verdadeiro paradigma da abstracção, a matéria como “coisa” exclusivamente conceptual, ou o afísico como condição primordial de todas as coisas, do tangível e mesmo do intangível.

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Padrões, sincronias e eurekas!


{in Ensaio: Redes, Ritmos, Sincronia e Sinergia*} A partir de determinado momento verifiquei que há um padrão, há um determinado número de constituintes que partilham um determinado número de características similares, que se estruturam numa malha conceptual que pode ser vista como um todo.

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